Are you a cat owner who loves to snuggle up with their furry friend, only to be met with a sudden drool shower? Or perhaps you’ve always wondered why your cat turns into a drool machine whenever you pet them? Whatever the case may be, we’ve got you covered!
In this article, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of cat drooling, uncovering the reasons why cats drool when being petted and what it all means. So get ready to explore this quirky cat behavior and discover some tips and tricks for managing and preventing excessive drooling in your feline friend.
Understanding Drooling in Cats
Drooling in cats can be puzzling. Some cats drool periodically, while others only drool when they are being petted or in specific circumstances. Nevertheless, what triggers cat’s drooling and whether it is a matter of concern remain unknown?

To begin with, we need to clarify the definition of drooling in cats. Hypersalivation, commonly referred to as drooling occurs when a cat generates an excessive amount of saliva that may or may not escape from their mouth. Drooling can be considered normal behavior on some occasions if your cat is experiencing relaxation or happiness. Nevertheless, it could also indicate an underlying medical condition if there is too much drool production.
How can you differentiate between normal and abnormal drooling in your cat? If your cat is only drooling occasionally and appears to be hale and hearty, there’s no reason for concern. Nonetheless, if your feline is excessively drooling, has other accompanying symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea or shows signs of discomfort then it’s crucial to seek the advice of a veterinarian so as to eliminate any possible underlying health problems.
Reasons Why Cat Drool
If your cat drools while being petted, you may be wondering why this happens. There are a few reasons why cats may drool specifically in response to petting. Some of the common reasons are as follows:

- Positive associations and emotional response: When cats are petted, they may drool due to the positive emotions associated with the physical sensation. Pleasure or contentment may trigger an increase in saliva production, resulting in drooling. This is usually nothing to worry about and indicates that your cat is happy and calm.
- Overstimulation and excitement: When cats are being petted, they can get overstimulated, similar to humans. This can cause excessive drooling because the parasympathetic nervous system that controls saliva production is triggered by overstimulation. Therefore, your cat may drool more when feeling overwhelmed or overly excited.
- Medical issues: If your cat drools excessively when being petted, it may indicate an underlying medical problem such as dental issues, mouth or throat problems, or neurological disorders. It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out any potential health concerns if you are worried about this behavior in your cat..
- Age: If your senior cat has dental issues or other age-related health problems, they may be more likely to drool. To make sure there are no underlying health concerns, it’s important to schedule a vet visit if you notice an increase in your cat’s drooling.
- Breed: Persians and Himalayans, among other breeds of cats, have a tendency to drool more often because of their distinct facial features. While this is usually not a reason for alarm, it’s crucial to keep an eye on your cat’s drooling habits and consult with your veterinarian if you detect any abrupt alterations.
- Anxiety or stress: If a cat is anxious or stressed, it might drool more than usual, especially when someone pets them. The reason behind this is that stress can activate the body’s fight-or-flight response and result in more saliva production.
- Hunger or thirst: If a cat is hungry or thirsty, it may drool more than usual, especially when being petted around mealtime. It’s crucial to offer food and water if you observe that your cat is excessively drooling and appears to be in need of nourishment.
- Medications: If your cat is taking any medications, particularly anesthesia or pain medications, it’s crucial to discuss potential side effects with your vet. Excessive drooling may be one of them.
How to prevent cat drooling
Preventing cat drooling can be a challenge, especially if it’s related to a medical issue or a breed characteristic. However, there are a few things you can try to minimize excessive drooling in your cat:

- Regular dental care: One of the most common causes of excessive drooling in cats is dental disease. Regular dental care, including teeth cleaning and oral exams, can help prevent dental issues and minimize drooling.
- Provide regular meals and water: Hunger and thirst can also contribute to excessive drooling. Make sure your cat has access to fresh water at all times and feed them on a regular schedule to prevent hunger-related drooling.
- Manage stress and anxiety: Stress and anxiety can contribute to drooling, so try to provide a calm and relaxing environment for your cat. Provide plenty of hiding places, scratch posts, and toys to keep your cat occupied and reduce stress.
- Monitor medications: If your cat is taking medication, be sure to monitor them for any potential side effects, including excessive drooling. Talk to your vet if you notice any concerning symptoms.
- Be mindful of petting: If your cat is prone to overstimulation or excitement, be mindful of how and where you pet them. Avoid petting sensitive areas like the belly and tail, and stop petting if you notice any signs of overstimulation.
- Regular vet check-ups: Regular veterinary check-ups can help identify any underlying health issues that may be contributing to excessive drooling. Schedule annual check-ups for your cat to ensure that they’re healthy and happy.
Is drooling in cats normal?
Yes, drooling in cats can be normal, particularly when they’re happy and relaxed. However, excessive drooling or sudden changes in drooling behavior can be a sign of an underlying issue.
How can I clean up my cat’s drool?
There are a few things you can try to clean up your cat’s drool, which can be quite challenging. You may use a damp cloth or paper towel to wipe away any drool and put a towel or blanket in areas where your cat often drools. Additionally, pet-safe cleaning products could help remove stains and odors effectively.
Can drooling be a sign of a more serious medical condition in cats?
Yes, excessive drooling can be a sign of a more serious medical condition such as kidney disease, liver disease, or cancer. If you notice any sudden changes in your cat’s drooling behavior or other concerning symptoms, contact your veterinarian right away.
Should I be concerned if my cat is drooling excessively?
Yes, if your cat is drooling excessively or you notice sudden changes in their drooling behavior, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.
To sum up, cats tend to drool when they feel content and relaxed. However, if there is an excessive amount of drooling or a sudden change in behavior, it may indicate an underlying problem. There are several possible causes for excessive drooling such as dental issues, stress and anxiety, medical conditions or medication side effects.
While it’s not always easy to prevent this behavior entirely, regular dental care and vet visits can help minimize the issue. Furthermore managing stress levels along with monitoring medications can also be beneficial approaches towards reducing excess drooling in cats.To ensure your cat’s well-being do consult with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about their pattern of salivation .