How Many Hours Do Cats Sleep? Unraveling the Feline Sleep Mystery

Cats have captivated us with their mysterious and enigmatic behavior for centuries, and one aspect that never fails to intrigue us is their sleep habits. If you’re a cat owner or simply a feline enthusiast, you’ve likely wondered just how much time our feline companions spend snoozing away each day.

From their long stretches of relaxation to their spontaneous bursts of energy, understanding a cat’s sleep patterns can provide valuable insights into their overall health and well-being.

In this blog article, we’ll embark on a delightful journey through the realm of catnaps and explore the fascinating world of feline sleep. We’ll dive into the question that has puzzled many: “How many hours do cats sleep?” Armed with scientific research and expert insights, we’ll uncover the reasons behind their unique sleep habits, their inherent instincts, and the surprising factors that influence their sleep duration.

Whether you have a cuddly feline friend at home or are simply a cat lover looking to quench your curiosity, get ready to be charmed by the delightful snooze-filled world of cats. So, snuggle up with your furry companion, and let’s unravel the mysteries of cat sleep together!

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

The answer to this question may surprise you. Cats sleep for an average of 12 to 18 hours a day, depending on their age, breed, and lifestyle . That means they spend more than half of their lives in dreamland!

Some cats may sleep for up to 20 hours a day, especially when they are older or sick. This is because they need more rest to heal and recover from their ailments. On the other hand, some cats may sleep less than 12 hours a day, especially when they are young or active. This is because they have more energy and curiosity to explore their surroundings.

Compared to humans, cats need much more sleep than we do. Humans sleep for an average of 7 to 9 hours a day, which is only about a third of our lives. This is because we have a different circadian rhythm, or biological clock, that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.

Humans are diurnal, which means we are active during the day and sleep at night. Cats are crepuscular, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk . This is because they are natural predators, and these are the best times to hunt for prey.

But cat sleep is not just about quantity. It is also about quality. Cats have a different sleep cycle than humans, which consists of two main stages: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). Let’s take a closer look at these stages.

What Are the Stages of Cat Sleep?

NREM and REM are the two main stages of cat sleep that alternate throughout the night . Each stage has its own characteristics and functions.

NREM Sleep

NREM is the light sleep stage, where cats are alert and ready to wake up at any moment. This stage lasts for about 15 to 30 minutes per cycle. During NREM sleep, cats may twitch their ears, whiskers, or limbs, or make small noises. This is because they are still aware of their surroundings, and may react to any stimuli or threats.

NREM sleep is important for cats because it helps them conserve energy and maintain their body temperature. It also allows them to rest their muscles and organs after a long day of activity.

REM Sleep

REM is the deep sleep stage, where cats dream and relax their muscles . This stage lasts for about 6 minutes per cycle . During REM sleep, cats may move their eyes rapidly under their eyelids, or make larger movements with their limbs or body. This is because they are experiencing vivid dreams, which may involve chasing mice, playing with toys, or cuddling with you.

REM sleep is important for cats because it helps them process their memories and emotions . It also enhances their learning and creativity skills .

How can you tell if your cat is in NREM or REM sleep? There are some clues that can help you distinguish between the two stages. For example:

  • If your cat’s eyes are closed but not tightly shut, he or she is probably in NREM sleep .
  • If your cat’s eyes are moving rapidly under the eyelids, he or she is probably in REM sleep .
  • If your cat’s whiskers are twitching slightly, he or she is probably in NREM sleep .
  • If your cat’s whiskers are twitching more vigorously, he or she is probably in REM sleep .
  • If your cat’s limbs are relaxed and limp, he or she is probably in REM sleep .
  • If your cat’s limbs are tense and rigid, he or she is probably in NREM sleep .
  • If your cat is snoring, he or she is probably in REM sleep .
  • If your cat is silent, he or she is probably in NREM sleep .
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Of course, these are not definitive signs, and your cat may vary depending on his or her personality and habits. The best way to know for sure is to observe your cat’s sleep patterns over time, and see how they change according to the environment and the season.

Factors That Affect How Long Cats Sleep

How long your cat sleeps depends on several factors. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Age: Kittens and senior cats tend to sleep more than adult cats. Kittens need more sleep to support their growth and development. Senior cats may experience age-related changes that affect their energy levels and activity.
  • Health: If your cat is sick or injured, they may sleep more than usual to heal and recover. However, some health conditions may also cause your cat to sleep less or have trouble sleeping. For example, hyperthyroidism can make your cat restless and irritable.
  • Environment: Your cat’s sleeping habits may also be influenced by their surroundings. Factors such as temperature, light, noise, comfort, safety, and stimulation can affect how much your cat sleeps. For example, your cat may sleep more when it’s cold or rainy outside or when there’s not much going on in the house.

How to Tell If Your Cat Is Sleeping Too Much or Too Little

While sleeping a lot is normal for cats, there are some signs that may indicate that your cat is sleeping too much or too little. These signs include:

  • Changes in sleeping patterns: If your cat suddenly starts sleeping more or less than usual without any obvious reason (such as age or season), it could be a sign of an underlying problem. For example, sleeping more could indicate depression, pain, infection, or organ failure. Sleeping less could indicate stress, anxiety, boredom, or hyperactivity.
  • Changes in behavior: If your cat’s sleeping habits are affecting their mood and personality, it could be a sign of a problem. For example, if your cat is sleeping more, they may become less playful, social, and affectionate. If your cat is sleeping less, they may become more aggressive, destructive, or vocal.
  • Changes in appetite and weight: If your cat’s sleeping habits are affecting their eating habits, it could be a sign of a problem. For example, if your cat is sleeping more, they may eat less and lose weight. If your cat is sleeping less, they may eat more and gain weight.

If you notice any of these signs in your cat, you should consult your veterinarian to rule out any medical issues and get proper treatment.

Tips to Improve Your Cat’s Sleep Quality and Happiness

As a cat owner, you have a big influence on your cat’s sleep quality. There are some things you can do to make sure your cat gets enough rest and has pleasant dreams. Here are some of them:

Provide a Cozy Bed

One of the most important things you can do for your cat’s sleep quality is to provide him or her with a cozy bed. Cats love to curl up in soft and warm places, where they feel secure and comfortable. You can buy a cat bed from a pet store, or make one yourself from a cardboard box, a blanket, or a pillow.

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You can also use an old sweater, a towel, or a fleece as a bed cover. Make sure the bed is big enough for your cat to stretch and turn around, but not too big that he or she feels exposed.

You can place the bed in a quiet and dark place, away from noise and light sources . You can also put it near a window, where your cat can enjoy the sun and the view. You can also put it near your bed, where your cat can feel your presence and warmth. However, avoid putting it near a heater, a fireplace, or an electric appliance, as they may overheat your cat or cause a fire hazard .

You can also provide your cat with multiple beds around the house, so he or she can choose where to sleep according to his or her mood and preference . You can also rotate the beds every once in a while, to keep them fresh and interesting for your cat.

Create a Quiet Place

Another thing you can do for your cat’s sleep quality is to create a quiet place where he or she can relax and nap without being disturbed. Cats are sensitive to noise, and may wake up easily if they hear loud sounds or voices. You can use curtains, carpets, or rugs to muffle the noise from outside or inside the house. You can also use white noise machines, fans, or humidifiers to create a soothing background sound that masks other noises.

You can also respect your cat’s sleep schedule, and avoid waking him or her up unless it is necessary . You can also train your cat to sleep at night by keeping him or her active during the day, and reducing the stimulation at night. You can also use dim lights, soft music, or aromatherapy to create a relaxing atmosphere for your cat at night.

Establish a Regular Routine

Another thing you can do for your cat’s sleep quality is to establish a regular routine that he or she can follow every day. Cats are creatures of habit, and they like to have consistency and predictability in their lives. You can set up a routine that includes feeding times, play times, grooming times, and nap times. You can also use cues such as words, gestures, or sounds to signal these events to your cat.

By having a regular routine, you can help your cat adjust his or her circadian rhythm to yours . You can also help your cat feel more secure and confident in his or her environment. You can also prevent boredom and stress that may affect your cat’s sleep quality.

Enrich Your Cat’s Daytime Activities

Another thing you can do for your cat’s sleep quality is to enrich his or her daytime activities with toys, scratching posts, interactive games, and social interactions. Cats are natural predators, and they need physical and mental stimulation to satisfy their hunting instincts and keep them fit and healthy.

By providing your cat with fun and engaging activities, you can also prevent boredom and stress that may affect your cat’s sleep quality.

You can buy or make various toys for your cat, such as balls, mice, feathers, or lasers. You can also use catnip, valerian, or silvervine to make the toys more appealing and exciting for your cat. You can also use scratching posts, cardboard boxes, tunnels, or cat trees to give your cat a place to scratch, hide, climb, or perch.

You can also use interactive games, such as puzzle feeders, treat dispensers, or clicker training to challenge your cat’s intelligence and skills. You can also use social interactions, such as playing with you, other cats, or friendly dogs to give your cat some companionship and affection.

By enriching your cat’s daytime activities, you can help your cat burn off excess energy and release pent-up emotions. You can also help your cat develop a positive association with his or her environment and with you. You can also help your cat sleep better at night by making him or her more tired and relaxed during the day.

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Consult a Veterinarian

The last thing you can do for your cat’s sleep quality is to consult a veterinarian if your cat shows signs of sleep problems. Cats may have sleep problems for various reasons, such as medical conditions, behavioral issues, or environmental factors. Some of the common signs of sleep problems in cats are:

  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Being restless or agitated during sleep
  • Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Snoring excessively or loudly
  • Changing sleep patterns or habits
  • Showing signs of pain or discomfort during sleep

If you notice any of these signs in your cat, you should take him or her to a veterinarian as soon as possible. A veterinarian can diagnose the cause of your cat’s sleep problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Some of the possible causes and treatments are:

  • Medical conditions: Your cat may have a medical condition that affects his or her sleep quality, such as arthritis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, or dental problems. A veterinarian can treat these conditions with medication, surgery, diet, or supplements.
  • Behavioral issues: Your cat may have a behavioral issue that affects his or her sleep quality, such as anxiety, depression, stress, or boredom. A veterinarian can treat these issues with behavioral therapy, medication, environmental enrichment, or socialization.
  • Environmental factors: Your cat may have an environmental factor that affects his or her sleep quality, such as noise, light, temperature, humidity, or allergens. A veterinarian can advise you on how to modify these factors to make your cat more comfortable and relaxed.

By consulting a veterinarian, you can ensure that your cat’s sleep problem is not caused by a serious health issue. You can also get professional advice on how to improve your cat’s sleep quality and well-being.


Do cats have a specific sleep schedule?

Cats are crepuscular creatures, which means they are most active during dawn and dusk. They have adapted to this schedule as it allows them to maximize their hunting opportunities when their prey is also more active.

Why does my cat sleep so much during the day and become active at night?

This behavior might be attributed to the domestication process. Cats may adjust their sleep patterns to align with their human family’s activities. Additionally, some cats may prefer nighttime play and exploration due to a quieter and calmer environment.

Are there any health concerns related to excessive sleep in cats?

While cats are known for their extended slumber, any significant change in their sleeping habits could indicate health issues. If you notice a sudden increase or decrease in your cat’s sleep duration, it’s essential to consult a veterinarian to rule out any potential health concerns.

Can I wake up my cat if they are sleeping too much?

Cats value their rest, and it’s generally best to allow them to wake up naturally. If they are sleeping more than usual and you’re concerned, try tempting them with play or a favorite treat to encourage activity. However, avoid waking them abruptly, as it may cause stress.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the world of feline sleep is a captivating and intricate domain, offering us a glimpse into the fascinating lives of our beloved cats. From their instinctual need for ample rest to their unique sleep schedules, it’s evident that cats have retained their wild ancestry in their snooze-filled habits.

Understanding how many hours cats sleep and their sleep patterns can be beneficial for both cat owners and feline enthusiasts. A well-rested cat is likely to be healthier, happier, and more interactive during their waking hours. Providing a comfortable and safe sleep environment can contribute to their overall well-being and help nurture the strong bond between humans and their feline friends.

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